Health Promotion

PartySafe celebrates third annual awards

April 17, 2017
On Wednesday, April 12, 2017, the UHS PartySafe Program celebrated its third annual PartySafe Awards recognizing individuals, groups, and departments that have been highly effective in building safer alcohol and party practices at UC Berkeley.

No profile picture?

July 2, 2014
My boyfriend and I have been dating for 6 months now, and I know I’m being silly but I’m hurt he’s never had a picture of the two of us as a Facebook profile picture! He’s had pictures of him with other girls, but never me! I don’t want to seem immature and superficial by bringing it up, but seriously, what's the deal?

Share your Hepatitis B Story

October 10, 2016

The Hepatitis B Foundation is collaborating with StoryCenter on a Storytelling Project, to make the real voices of everyday people living with/affected by hepatitis B a key ingredient of local and nationwide prevention and advocacy efforts.

The project will engage people in sharing their own stories as short videos, in a digital storytelling workshop to be held Friday through Sunday, January 20-22, 2016 in Berkeley, CA. All participant expenses...

PartySafe Awards 2016

April 27, 2016

On Wednesday, April 13, 2016, PartySafe celebrated its second annual "World Class Awards" recognizing individuals, groups, and departments that have been highly effective in building safer alcohol and party practices at UC Berkeley.

PartySafe is a UHS Health Promotion program that collaborates with a wide variety of campus and community partners to reduce alcohol-related harm. The awards celebration was held from 4-6 pm at the Bear's Lair and was facilitated by PartySafe coordinator Karen Hughes...

Massage Chairs

We offer free massage chairs to encourage people to take a break during their busy days.

On average, 1,200 students, staff and faculty take advantage of the massage chairs each semester.

Chairs are located on the second floor of Tang in the central atrium area and provide 15-minute massages on a first-come, first-served basis. Settings allow users to customize their massage in terms of style, intensity, neck position...

Prescription Stimulants and Health

The misuse of prescription stimulants (e.g. Adderall©, Ritalin©) in the college population has received an increase in media coverage. Picture of prescription drug bottles

Although students tend to minimize the threats to health posed by this behavior, the reality is that there is a risk of adverse side...