
Preventive Health and Wellness

Preventive health focuses on wellness, health maintenance, and disease prevention.

It includes general counseling regarding healthy habits and practices and specific advice and testing tailored to the individual depending on personal and familial health risks. Screening tests, health education, and immunizations are common examples of preventive care. Below you will find some general information regarding wellness/preventive health at University Health Services:

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Eligibility Schedule: The time period that UHS services are available to students.

The Student Health Insurance Office can help you determine eligibility for services at the Tang Center - call (510) 642-5700.

New fall or spring semester students

Eligible to use UHS services 30 calendar days prior to the first day of the semester.

Fall 2023: eligibility begins July 16, 2022 and student pricing starts August 1, 2023. Spring 2024: eligibility begins December 9, 2023 and student pricing starts January 1, 2024. All registered...

Urgent Care at UHS (On Campus)

The Urgent Care Clinic is a service for urgent medical problems.

Urgent problems include sudden, serious, and unexpected illnesses, injuries, or conditions that require immediate medical attention.

Worker injury for UC Berkeley employees: If your injury or illness arose or occurred in the course of your employment, you should provide this information to the Urgent Care triage nurse/front desk staff at the time of your first visit to initiate billing of your Workers Compensation carrier.

What to...

Sexual Health Care

Healthy sexuality is an important part of overall wellness and means more than just sex and condoms.

It involves feeling informed and empowered to express your sexuality in a way that is consensual, respectful, and informed, and—ultimately—personally enriches your life.

Sexual health and sexuality are relevant to all of us - whether you’re a sexual novice, a sexpert, or abstinent.

It doesn't matter whether you are single, dating, or in a relationship. It doesn’t matter how you identify yourself sexually. Sexuality is part of who you are, and healthy sexuality is important to your...


More than 90,000 lab tests are performed at UHS each year!

Our lab is licensed by the State of California and accredited by the Accreditation Association of Ambulatory HealthCare (AAAHC). We are a CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvements Amendment) certified facility and testing performance is constantly monitored by API (American Proficiency Institute).


There are more options than ever to help prevent unplanned pregnancies.

Many factors go into making this important decision. What once was a good method for you a few years ago may not fit your busy lifestyle and schedule now, and new options may have become available. We can assist you in finding the right method for your individual needs and preferences.

Contraceptive options:

Many methods of contraception are available at UHS. If you would like general information about the options available...

Self-Directed STI Screening

Basic STI testing is available without an appointment through the eTang patient portal.

Please read more below, and when you are ready, log in to eTang, select "Messages" from the left navigation bar, and select the STI option.

Is self-directed STI testing right for you? Be informed, and take a moment to review the process.

1. Please read the following important...

Physical Therapy

What is Physical Therapy?

During the evaluation, the Physical Therapist will listen to you and ask questions about the issue that brings you in for treatment. They will then do an evaluation which may include evaluating the range of motion, strength, and functional activities. It may also involve palpating (feeling) your joint or soft tissue mobility. They will then discuss their findings.

You work together, as a team, to achieve your goals. They will educate you, do any manual treatments necessary, and give you a program to work on. You, in turn,...